Sagging is a common roofing problem that requires prompt attention from sloped or flat roofing contractors. When a roof begins to show signs of sagging, there’s a high likelihood that the support structures that hold the entire system in place have become compromised. This almost always requires a full replacement.
There are many potential causes that can lead to roof sagging, Understanding the most common ways can help you take better care of your roof. Read on as Evans Roofing and Gutters Inc. walks you through the many reasons your roof may be sagging as well as the steps you can take to remedy this issue.
Aging Roof
The average life span of a typical asphalt shingle roof is 15 to 20 years. With a regular roof inspection and maintenance plan, this can extend well past the 20-year mark. However, problems can become more frequent toward the end of a roof’s service life. Support beams may give out to wear and tear and cause the entire structure to sag. Unfortunately, the only fix for this problem is a replacement as the cost of frequent repairs on an old roof can quickly become impractical.
Installation Problems
Some roofing materials are heavier than others and an experienced roofer should be able to build a roof deck designed to support the weight of the roof. However, if the installation was done incorrectly, the roof may sag from its own weight. You can avoid this issue by making sure you only trust reputable companies.
Water Penetration
It’s important to schedule a roof repair appointment as soon as you detect any signs of leakage or water penetration. A majority of your roofing deck is supported by wooden beams and joists, which are particularly prone to moisture damage and rot. Contact your local roofing contractor immediately if you suspect any leak issues.
At Evans Roofing and Gutters Inc., our professionals can help you keep your roofing system in good shape all year-round. Give us a call at (412) 200-5331 or fill out our contact form to schedule an inspection visit and request a free estimate on roof replacements today.